Another fun evening with Sofia and Jess, at the Lavender Farm in Rainford.
Coming out of my cage? (maybe)
Drip-Feed Survival, or Living in a Covid World

This year has been hard.
The last few months have been mostly been about keeping going, one day at a time. There has been much I have neglected, sacrificed at the altar of remaining relatively sane.
Happily, I have been personally unaffected from a health perspective, but the curbs on movement and association, as necessary as they have been have put a crimp in my photography.
Not only have I not been out and about in the same way as I would have been in the past, but I’m not been inclined to pick up a camera.
I can only hope, for the sake of all of us, 2021 is a better world to be in.
In the mean time, stay safe.
Studio shooting outdoors…
The whole coronavirus pandemic has cocked a royal snook at much of normal life. However, in a responsible and socially distanced way, my camera club came up with a scheme I was well into…
Studio, outdoors.
The results were mixed, as the lighting (once again kindly provided by a club member) was new, as was the notion of outdoor studio.
However, it was joy and a delight – to see real people in person again! To do photography again!
These are what I have so far:
So glad to have a reason to have a camera in hand again. Been too long.